So long as oil was the main form of illumination, lanterns were an indispensable household item. You would find bronze or copper in the stately homes, and ceramic or terracotta in the poorer houses. In the countryside oil lanterns lasted even after gas lamps came on the scene, and were only abolished after the arrival of electricity. The most common type of terracotta lantern was made of a small circular pan with a spout on the rim. The flame rose up the spout and thus allowed for easy grip. For the most part, the sixteenth-century figurines in majolica depicted noblewomen posing with one arm at her side and the other at her belt, richly adorned with necklaces and tiaras. The long wick was embedded in their body. Some structures have remained over time especially in the factories of western Sicily, like Palermo, Sciacca, and Trapani.